Finding the right place for MPA the Borkummer Stones
DISCLOSE contributed to finding the right place for new MPA. In the so called Noordzeekustvisserij-akkoord the Dutch government, fisherman and NGOs agreed that 108 square kilometer from the sea area the Borkummer Stones will be closed for bottom contacting fisheries. This as a compensation for a zone within the Ducht Marine Protected Area (MPA) the so called Noordzeekustzone, that will remain open for fishing. Crew from Oceana, Duik de Noordzee Schoon and DISCLOSE visited the Borkummer Stones to find which places would be best selected to protect nature values. Several dives were made by Duik de Noordzee Schoon (see photo’s below). Besides, sediment monsters were taken and part of the seabed was scanned with Side Scan Sonar en Multibeam technieken. With diving one is able to map a small area while the acoustic techniques enable the researchers to look at a larger area of the seabed.
Here a short radio interview with Christiaan van Sluis (North Sea Foundation) about the expedition (Dutch)
Photo’s: Udo van Dongen/Oceana